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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Swine Flu! OINK OINK!!!

Hey ya'll! I just got back from giving H1N1 vaccines to the city of Louisville!  We gave over 15,000 vaccinations today! Well this is really off topic for my blog, but I realized tonight how many questions people had, so I thought I would answer the best I could...
Who should get the shot?

  • Anyone can get the shot.  There is a different dose for kids under 3 years, but they are allowed to get it.  The shot is also for people that are pregnant, have allergies to eggs and have asthma, diabetes, kidney problems ect.  

Who should get the mist?

  • Anyone who isn't pregnant, doesn't have allergies to eggs, and doesn't have asthma, diabetes, kidney, ect. problems.  
    • Please don't be scared to receive the mist.  It actually is showing to have fewer side effects!  Help save the shots for people at high risk!
The difference between the two...
  • The shot is not a live virus and the mist is a live virus.  
Kids under 9 need to follow up in 4 weeks with their health department to receive a booster to be completely vaccinated.

There is a lot more information... if you have any questions, post them and I can do my best to answer them.  I know it is scary trying a new vaccine, but I have come to the conclusion that this is a pretty scary virus that is spreading quickly.
Watch for me on the Louisville news tonight ;)

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