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Friday, November 6, 2009

Painted Doors

My husband and I went on vacation to South Carolina this past summer.  We fell in love with the old southern charm this incredible city evokes!  Anyway... there was one thing in particular that I couldn't take my eyes off of...

Isn't this gorgeous? It made me start thinking about my own door way...
Should I paint it a fun color like the coral shown above?  Or a red? Tell me what you all think....

I'll leave you all with a couple more pictures from beautiful Charleston! 

1 comment:

  1. I always love the look of a fun colored door, but the thought of painting my own scares me a bit!

    I just came upon your blog from Feedjit. I'm a blogger in Louisville (www.dirtandlace.com), and I'm working on a blog called Bluegrass Bloggers. (I haven't finished the layout yet or I would send a link.) It will list blogs written by people in Kentucky and the surrounding areas, and feature their posts as well as give everyone involved the opportunity to meet fellow bloggers, offer up advice, share info and local happenings, etc. At this point, I am gauging interest and looking for bloggers who would be interested in participating with the site. You can do as little as have your URL listed on the sidebar, or you can participate further. It's a non-money making venture, strictly for fun. Let me know if you are at all interested! E-mail me at dirtandlace@gmail.com or visit my blog and leave a comment. I look forward to hearing from you!
