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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bamboo Tables

A couple of months ago, I did a quick run through of a local flea market.  I am known for getting very frustrated when going to these sort of places because I feel like I never find anything, but on this particular day I had a little bit of luck on my side!  I love anything bamboo, I think it gives a 70's feel but still very modern... So when I saw these two little tables I snatched them up!

I bought these tables for a whopping total of $5.00!!!!!  Sure they needed a little cleaning up, but for $5.00 I didn't care If they didn't work out!  The tables had no tops on them, so for $20 I had to get two pieces of glass cut for each of them.  

I think for a total of $25.00 these little tables are cute.  They still need more styling (a couple more books stacked and some other little trinkets) but for now they will do just fine!
So next time you get frustrated because every time you go looking for deal you come up empty handed, remember to keep trying because you never know what you may find the next trip around ;)

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