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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Study

My school semester just started in January and I already feel that its dragging!  I need a little boost to help me conquer all the papers/exams that I have on my list to do... I think decorating my study would be the perfect thing to turn this procrastinator into one little book worm ;)

Here is my plan....

To start off, I would paint the whole entire room this emerald green.  This isn't the exact color I picked out but it's in this color family.  I would even add some wainscoting like I did at the old house..
I want to put down this rug....
and I want to put this chair in there.....
and I would love to put a lamp such as this to make it look like a study

and I would LOVE a wall of bookshelves such as this...
all painted in that emerald green by the way....
A couple of these sitting around....
and this hanging from the ceiling....

a girl can dream right?

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